Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a bargain hunting queen. I find joy in pairing inexpensive items, with higher end labels. I find even more joy however in wearing my "cheap" items, and having the elite shoppers shower me with compliments. I do not feel the need to lie, or cover up where I got them. This honesty, and pride beaming from my face, usually leads to a very shocked look on their face. Thinking about this the other day, I wondered, when did we stop caring about form, and start paying for the name?
When buying a item that is going to play a role as a staple piece in your wardrobe, spend the extra money. There is nothing to be ashamed about when paying for quality. If the item is going to be a pair of denim that you want to last a couple years, or a handbag that will be put through hell....yes by all means, shell out that dough. You do pay for what you receive. You pay for the materials, and the craftsmanship. When buying a item you know is a classic; a piece that will not go out of style, then, SPEND.
On the flip side, if you are paying for a cotton shirt that is $200 dollars, and you are doing this often, I wonder, why? Think of how many items you could have purchased with that $200 you just forked over. I beg you to remember that many of these inexpensive stores employ a whole staff, to spot new trends from these top designers. They do this not only to mimic them, but yes, identically copy them. Yes they are cheaper because they are not as high in quality, but this gives you a chance to test drive a trend, without breaking the bank. Why lose your money on a bad fashion investment. It may be here today, but adios tomorrow.
With fashion ever changing how can we afford to pay extreme prices for something that may be out the next month? If you can afford it, I am jealous. Most of us cannot. Most of those that cannot afford this lifestyle, are still living it. I remind you no one can see your label sewn inside the shirt you are wearing. You may walk with a little more confidence, but then again you paid $200 dollars for it. I love fashion, I appreciate high fashion, and I love designer duds. I however know when they have a place in my life. I ask you, to ask yourself.....what place do these items have in my life? For all of you that would not dare step foot in a discount store, I dressed myself head to toe, for $80. If you love clothing as much as I do, just imagine how much more shopping you could do. You may need a bigger closet.....or a spare room. Just don't blame it on moi when your featured on hoarders.
yy 2020
4 years ago
I agree whole-heartedly!